
Saturday, September 8, 2018

Who are the Spiritual Exercises for?

THE NEW EVANGELISATION requires each of us to proclaim hope and joy.

There is so much joylessness and hopelessness in people’s lives.

So many people live around us are living lives without purpose (without meaning, lives of quiet desperation or without the purpose God intended for them).

A lot of restlessness – especially in industrial relations – is that people are in jobs they are desperately unhappy with, in unhappy marriages or relationships, in conflict, with troubled conscience, lacking a clear vision, aimless, wandering. There are a lot of unhappy people.  This is not the way God wants it to be, yet the human heart can’t be fooled -it can be sedated or distracted but things, career, money, ambition, extreme sports, entertainment, having more – why do people lock themselves in? People -including Christians – can get trapped in sadness, negativity, sarcasm, cynicism, disappointment, resentment, remaining unsatisfied, even depression and suicidal thoughts. We have never had so much material items and consumer items. We have full bellies and empty hearts.

There must be an answer!

Jesus Christ is the answer to all our questions and longings. Surrender to Him – unconditional surrender to Him. Accepting Him as my personal Lord and Saviour! Handing over my misery, my sinfulness, my RAGS. The problem is within – and the Kingdom of God is within. Of course, we know that accepting Jesus Christ is accepting the gospel – the Good News. Like Zacchaeus, or the woman caught in adultery, the woman of Samaria – I think the Gospel can be summed up as THE DIFFERENCE THAT JESUS MAKES.

The spiritual Exercises give us a set of tools that equip us to take our part in the new springtime of Christianity, the civilisation of love, true communion, solidarity, and the New Evangelisation. The journey of REDISCOVERY, a journey of encounter (Pope Francis) and rediscovering the joy of knowing and serving Jesus. God has given us a Jesuit Pope – and that I think implies that we rediscover – or discover for the first-time what St Ignatius has to say to us. We are called to read the signs of the times.

The New Evangelisation requires us – despite our weakness and sense of helplessness at times - to be the New Evangelisers!

People are searching for more than material things to satisfy their longings.

It is a time of extreme sports, of huge money poured into soccer and rugby etc, of new technologies at our fingertips, of the increased pace and demands of life. Life’s pace and expectations are accelerating. People are looking for idols, heroes, talent, the ideal home, partner, sport pursuit, home abroad, etc

Yet there is deep seated resentment, anger, whinging, blame and misdirection, and people are searching – for mindfulness, spirituality, religions from the East, mysticism, stillness, ritual. Even as sacraments are in decline, people want to mark birth marriage and death – sacramentally or not, they know that deep down the Church has something beautiful and solemn in its liturgy. The TV culture of endless, mindless entertainment is a huge time-consuming     distraction leading us to complacency and delay.

The Spiritual Exercises are one way (among others) in which we can deepen our relationship with Christ and respond in a new and deeper way to our call to be missionaries and that the new continent to be evangelised is the new and preceding generation  - to know our place and our role  - to help me find definitively the tools I need to discern God’s will for me in the 21st century with its spiral downward in faith and morals. Like it or not the baton has been passed on to us. How can I better know, love and serve God?

It is an intensive course, but it is a journey of the heart.

The answer is here – people long for completion, fulfilment, direction, satisfaction, meaning, happiness, contentment, harmony, the best for themselves, their loved ones. These are the desires of the heart – what people want, and need is Christ! We are all full of desires – and we can see how carnal desires work themselves out – inordinate desires for food drink immoderation etc

As Catholic Christians we are not immune to sharing in these feelings and moods and longings of those around us. Often, we are at a loss as to what to say. We somehow lack the confidence to speak, we are afraid of ridicule. We have a Do Not Disturb mentality

How can I know unless someone show me?

We can have courses in instruction – Catechism, adult education, ongoing catechesis, theology courses – but the soul is longing for God.

Our heart’s deepest longing

Our experience of helplessness and weakness

Our experience of loneliness

Of disappointment and let down by people we trusted or who we thought would treat us better

Our experience of bereavement

Of pain and isolation, of confusion, of tedium

A sense of anti-climax

Our desire for life to make sense

Of a desire to be led- to have true moral leadership, guidance, mentoring, authority

The Spiritual Exercises done in common also helps us to answer our need for others – of a community – of communion – of like-minded people going through the same things as we are – mood swings, spiritual ups and downs, confusion, uncertainty as to HOW TO PROCEED.

The Spiritual Exercises provide us with a set of rules and guidelines in the context of prayer to enter more deeply into union with God and His Son Jesus Christ. It is a gentle, gradual game-changer!

It is a retreat in everyday life – leading us to mission with greater confidence – it is an armoury, a strategy planner, a help to decision making or discernment, a clarification of our calling and how to engage in our culture.

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We are now entering into the First Week of the Spiritual Exercises! This week includes the themes of sinfulness and God's mercy. ...